usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


love my dog, the little bitch

i had to take junebug to the vet this morning for some routine stuff. first she needed to have a fecal test. ick and ouch. and she needed her rabies shot for this year. she hates hates hates getting shots. not to mention that they always make her sick and mopey for a couple of days.

the whole fecal test thing almost got me and the nurse bitten. though i must say, i can see why. ick.

now shes's sleeping under my feet. where she has pretty much stayed since we got home. she slept in my lap all the way home from the vets office. and before anyone lectures me about driving with a dog sleeping in my lap, i only live a mile from the office and i go back roads so i can drive really slowly. anyway, she laid her head up on my chest so that she could stare at me the whole way home. i'm not sure if it was sweet cause she didn't want me out of her sight, or scary because she was plotting revenge.

i had to run to the post office to ship some ebay stuff and then to target to pick up a new printer cartridge. i was gone about forty minutes. when i got home she acted like she hadn't seen me in years. of course, she got in trouble while i was gone so that may be partly why she was so happy to see me.

daddy was cleaning the carpet in the hallway where it was stained from her "accidents" which totally aren't accidents. if she gets mad at someone, she goes and pisses in the hallway knowing one of us will step in it barefoot. she can be such a vindictive little bitch. anyway, so daddy was cleaning the carpets and had just finished putting everything away when he turned around just in time to see little miss jonebug squat and piss on the hall carpet. he was beyond pissed. (haha no pun intended)

not only had she just come in the house, but the back door is open so that she and beavis can come and go as they please. if she needed to pee that bad she could have just gone out with no problem. the thing is, she didn't need to pee that bad. she was mad because he wasn't paying attention to her. she can be a right needy little bitch too. god i love that dog.

i haven't been able to wash any clothes yet because *gasp* my dad is doing laundry. however, i believe i've mentioned before, a load of laundry in his mind is five or six pieces at a time. hello? waste much water? not to mention detergent which gets bought by yours truly. *shakes head* he's done four loads so far and really, it should have been one load. but these are things that you don't point out to my dad. you just take a deep breath and let it go.

so, i'm off to have lunch and clean the bathroom. my sinuses are killing me today and i bought some sinus stuff at the store but dumbass that i am, i didn't read the box and i messed up and bought the non-non-drowsy formula. which means that i'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open at the moment. perhaps there is a nap in my future.


2:32 pm - 04 Apr 2005


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