usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


pretty nice day

you know, you confuse me. you know who you are. *shrugs* anyway, i just needed to say that.

i never really thought about my grandma touching anyone else's life other than family before. i mean, i know she had friends and she knew people outside of the family of course, but it really never occured to me before today that these people cared for her and miss her too.

i mentioned yesterday that i had scheduled for the mailman to pick up my packages today when he delivered the mail. so he came this morning and we talked for a minute about the insane amount of junk mail that she receives and he said, she was such a sweet lady, i really miss seeing her every day.

i was speechless for a minute. he said she always knew what time he was coming by and would usually be standing at the door waiting for him if she was home. or she would sit out on the porch when the weather was nice and they would always talk for a few minutes before he headed off to finish his route. he had tears in his eyes when he told me that it took him a long time, a couple of months actually, to stop looking for her when he walked up the sidewalk.

it's just amazing to know that. and makes me love her all the more. and yeah, i missed her a twinge more than normal for a minute or two, but knowing that she had touched his life, a total stranger who delivered her mail, it reminded me how special she was. i thanked him for sharing that with me and told him that it meant a lot to know that.

i spent most of the day over at the house just randomly cleaning. i worked on pulling nails out of the walls and wiping the walls down. i opened almost all of the windows and aired the house out some. not only is it dusty and musty in there, then i sit over there and smoke while i work so it really needed to be aired out to get the smoke smell out. i also started pulling down the hideous blue curtains from the dining room. i love blue, it is one of my favorite colors, but these curtains were just ugly. not to mention pretty filthy once you got up close on them as they have been hanging there lord knows how long.

i'm debating on washing them and seeing if my aunt or cousin want them, or trying to ebay them, or just trashing them. i'm leaning towards the trashing them option.

mama's birthday present came in the mail today and i made her open it early because i was too excited about it to wait until thursday. i bought her a mcccoy planter from the 50's on ebay. it's shaped like a rocking chair and i knew she would love to have it in her collection. and of course she did love it. she keeps walking by the shelf and looking at it and saying that's so pretty. lol

so, yeah, i have laundry to finish and items to list on ebay, so i'm out.


9:19 pm - 12 Mar 2005


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