usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


no life and no pants but it's all good

blah. it's raining. if it rains much more around here my driveway is going to turn completely into quicksand and just swallow my friggin car into the ground.

of course it is one of those nice spring rains. it's a bit chilly and gloomy looking out but it's tolerable. plus, i know the trees are going to budding soon and the flowers are going to be blooming. yay for spring.

yay for cosmicrayola for posting an awesome entry today. i know it was just a filler entry so that she could go clean house, but i loved it anyway. i was going to copy and paste it here with a link to her but i think i'm going to just flat send you guys to her. some of you already read her, for those of you who don't, check her out. and definitely read today's entry. oh yeah, and she is totally bidding on a bunch of my items at ebay. *happy giggles* much love to you cosmic, even if you weren't shopping my stuff, i'd so love you anyway.

so, yeah, i have to go to work here in a bit. this would be the perfect day to just sit in the dining room and sew my ass off. i haven't gotten to work on any of my handbags at all, all week. i'm a little miffed about this. perhaps tomorrow when i get home i can sit down and get some work done. we'll see.

so, i'm off to get ready for work. today getting ready involves washing a load of clothes because i wore my last clean pair of khakis yesterday. *sigh* you'd think just coming off of a four day weekend i'd have finished the laundry. but no. that's what happens when you share a washer and dryer with my mom and dad. *sigh* and the laundry mat is way too expensive for me. i had planned back in november to start using the laundry mat all of the time because i am able to get my laundry done in a fraction of the time, get it folded and haul it home to put it away. not to mention that it gets me out of my house for a little while. and while there isn't much to do at the laundry mat but stare at the four walls, at least they aren't the four walls of my bedroom. but, alas, the laundry mat proved to be too expensive for me to use on a regular basis. so, now i just have to try to sneak my loads in between my mom's and my dad's. sadly, my dad thinks that one pair jeans and like, a pair of socks is a full load of clothes. *shakes head* and they made me read the owner's manual completely through before they'd let me use the new washer...

okay, duty calls. i'm out. have a beautiful saturday wherever you are and whatever you're weather. much love to you all guys, i don't mention it enough but my dland buddies are like an extension of my family and i don't know what i'd do without you peeps. now, do me a favor and update your friggin diaries today. lol i know you guys have lives and don't have time to update on the weekend like you do during the week. but dammit! i need me some dland love on the weekend as i don't have a life. ((hugs))


edit ~ 12:36 pm ~ okay, ignore that shit i wrote earlier about the nice chilly spring rain. it's currently snowing it's ass off. mother nature is somewhere right now laughing her ass off at people like me.

so i went to the gas station down the street to buy a money order to pay for my mom's birthday present (an awesome mccoy rocking chair planter that i won on ebay) and this old man walked in and got in line behind me. he was like man this is some nasty weather isn't it? so i was like yes sir. and he said, and i quote, "well, i'm erect and breathing and i guess that's all you can ask for."

yeah. he meant that he was standing upright.

at least i hope that's what he meant.

it was all i could do not to bust out laughing in his face. yeah, i'm a gutter-minded perv. i can't help it. i always have been and add to that the fact that it has been over a year since the bastard and i broke up, my brain stays in the friggin gutter.

so, yeah, i'm off to get ready for work. bad weather of course means that we will be slow this evening probably, which is okay because that means that i'll be able to get more done. i hope.


10:23 am - 05 Mar 2005


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