usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


happy friday!

so boys and girls, hope you are all having a wonderful friday. actually, from what i've seen around here, looks like a lot of people really really needed a friday.

so i went to get my check and snuck in and out without being seen by too many co-workers. then i had to do some shopping so i went to the tarshay in the next town. heehee. i love to shop anonyoumously. and yes, i know i spelled that really wrong but i don't feel like digging out my dictionary at the moment. yes, i still use a dictionary. and for those of you who aren't sure what that is, it was spellcheck before spellcheck was invented.

so, yeah, so i shopped. i have a serious love hate relationship with shopping. mostly i hate it because i'm broke all the friggin time. but such is life. so i bought some drain cleaner because once again the stupid bathtub drain is clogged. i swear, if i had all the money that i had spent on drain cleaner in the past year and a half, i could afford to hire a fucking plumber! and i also bought some of those stupid bunion pad sticker-y thingys. you stick them on your bunion and it cushions it and supposedly makes it stop hurting. we shall see.

a small note on the bunion thing. i have my mothers feet. not literally of course as she would really be fucked if she were at work and i had her feet at home. not to mention that it would be bizarrely gross. anyway, i have a big honking bunion on the joint of my big toe on my left foot. the same friggin place she's had a bunion for like ever. she had surgery on her foot last year and had all the bones realigned and had pins and screws and junk put in because it was at the point where she could hardly walk. good times. the podiatrist said that she should have had it removed like 15 years ago. how old was she 15 years ago? pretty damn close to my age. how bad is my bunion right now? almost as bad as hers was when she had it removed. can i afford to be out of work for 5 weeks while i recuperate from foot surgery? no. so just excuse my bitching about my bunion but it fucking hurts.

and you know what really sucks? it's on my left foot of course. my left side is cursed. when i was a senior in high school i broke the bone that is like where the arch of you foot is, right slam in the middle. my left foot of course and i still have pain from it now, eleven years later. i sprained my left hip and pinched my sciatic nerve on my left side. both of which will probably, according to the doctor, bother me off and on for the rest of my life. woohoo! sounds like good times. oh yeah, and the nerve thing, my whole left thigh is numb. it feels kind of gross actually. that whole my leg is asleep kind of thing. weird. so, i'm limping like crazy today because the past two days have been not so fun for my hip and then my bunion decides to join the party.

so, enough bitching about the pain. though i am starting to think that perhaps my left side is out to get me. anyway, it gorgeous outside today. it looks and feels like spring and that just makes me so happy. i can already feel the seasonal depression starting to lift a bit. i went outside this morning and squinted into the sun and just took a minute to just breathe. it is so nice. i am making a pact with myself right now to spend more time outside this spring. i want to do some gardening and plant some flower beds around the house if daddy agrees to let me, so i am looking forward to being able to get out in the yard and dig in the dirt a little.

so, i still have two hours before i have to be at work. i could even sneak in a nap maybe. granted, i could go outside and enjoy the sunshine i was just talking about, but, i did only sleep two hours last night. a nap might not be such a bad idea. we'll see. first i need to make sure i have some clean khakis to wear to work today.

so, i'm out. i have a phone card to activate so that i can have minutes on my cell phone again and a chicken quesadilla to eat.


12:07 pm - 04 Mar 2005


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