usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


hump day is almost over

came home around twelve thirty today to try to get some sleep. i had a migraine and the lack of sleep was not helping. i took some nyquil and zonked out for a few hours. now my head still hurts but not as bad and i actually feel kind of energized. weird. i think i slept more this afternoon than i've slept all week.

in two days i'm getting a new dresser! woohoo for me. my grandma had a great antique dresser in her bedroom with an attached round mirror and i'm getting it. my entire bedroom suite is all antique furniture that belonged to my grandparents. my bed actually belonged to my mom's mom and dad who got it from my grandpa's parents who had slept on it for years and years. my chest of drawers belonged to my mom's dad and now i'm getting my dad's mom's dresser. none of it matches of course, but i'm painting it all white so it doesn't matter anyway.

i'm hungry but i don't know what i want. mama cooked fried chicken last night and i could have a piece of that but i don't think i want it. i could have some soup and a ham sandwich. blah. i'll find something i guess. i haven't eaten yet today because i was feeling so sick earlier i was scared to eat.

today was inventory at work. good times. i got to count all of my product and enter it all in the computer. four hours of boring tedious work. but it all came out well and that's good. tomorrow i have to start getting ready for our big visit next wednesday. we had a big visit on monday and we failed it miserably and so next wednesday we are getting a second chance. we better be ready or else we are all going to be in trouble i think.

i so need to win the lottery. oh shit. i just remembered literally as i sit here that i bought a car wash last week at the gas station but because the friggin line was so long i said i'd get it later since the code is good for seven days. today is like the sixth or seven day so i need to go get my car was tonight or else it is a waste of six bucks. ah, well, leaving the house to get my car washed gives me time to smoke anyway.

i am feeling slightly better today. i'm not sure why, but then, i'm not sure why i was feeling so horribly bad the other day either. so i guess it all evens out in the end.

i need more light in here. i think i need to look into buying another hanging lamp. i have a yellow chinese lantern that mama bought me hanging by my window and it lights the room pretty well, with a nice soft kind of light, plus i have a pink table lamp on my nightstand that is brighter and since it's right behind me it lights my whole desk area. but the far corner of the room is not bright enough and that is where my mirror is and i sometimes do my contacts in here and it isn't bright enough for me to be able to see.

now i've started browsing and i'm drooling over all of the great furniture and lighting that we don't carry in the stores. i so need to win the lottery. i think i could furnish damn near my entire home by shopping at except of course for my retro 50's kitchen. target has some cool stuff but they still don't carry pink retro refridgerators.


6:00 pm - 26 Jan 2005


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