usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


hi *waves*

so, it's friday and it's payday so that's a double good thing. today was the last day for three of my favorite fellow team memebers at work. they have all been promoted and are moving to one of our new stores that will be opening in march across town.

one of those team members is actually my team member. tiffany has been on my food team since she started working there over a year ago and for a long time it was just me and her at food. basically, she is a huge part of the reason we've had the success that we have had in the past year and a half and i am very sorry to see her go. i will miss her both as a team member and as a friend as well.

but, i feel like a proud parent as well. i couldn't be more proud of her for being promoted. now she is going to be a team lead, in charge of her own team and i know she will be successful and carry on the high standards that she and i set for our department into her new store. she rocks and i'll miss her.

so we had a little going away party this afternoon in the break room for them and we had cake and they all got to give a little goodbye speech and then people who wanted to could make a little goodbye, good luck, we'll miss you speech, and being tiff's team lead i of course had to say something. so basically, i said all of that up there and a little bit more and i honestly started to get tears in my eyes and she cried and it was so sweet.

and then we got to eat cake.

but, i didn't eat any cake. proud of me aren't you. i figured, i was going to come home and have lunch/dinner, a ham sandwich on wheat bread, and then have a piece of my cake that i baked last night and if i ate cake at work, i was still going to come home and eat cake. so, i'm proud of myself. but, tomorrow night, a bunch of us are going to olice garden for a goodbye dinner thing for the three of them and i love me some olive garden. yum. can't wait.

so, yeah, that's all i have to say right now. it's supposed to do some freezing rain tonight, good times, and then snow a foot tomorrow. more good times. snow i don't mind. actually, i love snow and i can drive in it just fine. ice, however, is a whole 'nother story and i'm not so into driving it in. hopefully there isn't an assload of ice on the roads in the morning because if there is, i am so calling out and staying home. which would probably get me in mucho trouble with the whole attendance thing.

yeah, so, toodles

5:47 pm - 21 Jan 2005


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