usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


i won't eat ice cream for a month, at least

so i went to my cousin's house for dinner tonight with my folks, her and her kids and her dad. she made lasagne. yum. it was very good. i haven't made a lasagne in ages. makes me almost want to cook.

anyway, after we finished eating we were sitting around watching poor peyton manning and the colts get trounced by the patriots and somehow the topic of ice cream came up. my cousin then announces that a new ice cream place opened up in the shopping center near her house and suggests that we all go and she'll treat us all to a cone.

sounds good so we all pile into two vehicles and take off for the ice cream factory. (if you live in central va, it's in the chesterfield meadows shopping center, same place where ukrops and murphy's is) anyway, so we go in and she orders a cone of strawberry cheesecake ice cream. the lady hands her the biggest friggin ice cream cone i've ever seen in my life. i mean, the cone is normal sized, but there is about five pounds of ice cream crammed in it.

i got the cake cone with the strawberry cheesecake ice cream, which had graham cracker crumbs in it (yum), figuring the cake cone was a lot smaller than the waffle cones so that should mean less ice cream for me. nope. that chick kept on scooping. i literally had to tell her that was enough she could stop. it may well have been a world record for the most ice cream ever crammed into a single cake cone.

but it was so good. i ate ice cream until my tongue was numb and my lips were chapped and then i realized i wasn't even halfway finished with it yet. i definitely need to do my situps tonight. lol

so, yeah, the colts lost and that sucks. but atlanta is still in it and they are my number two team, behind green bay, so i can still root for michael vick and his boys to do something. i just love me some peyton manning and now his season is over and i don't get to see his tight little ass on the field anymore until next year. *sigh*

so, it's nine thirty and it feels like it should be midnight. i think i may go read my book for a while and then around ten or so i think i'm going to benadryl myself up again. tomorrow is going to be a long day, especially with kids out of school for the holiday. i can just see it now, spilled popcorn everywhere, spilled soda and icee, whining and crying and arguing and hitting, and that's just my team members. ha. yeah, kids out of school never bodes well for us retail whores. *shakes head* i'm starting to think this year round school idea is a pretty good one.

so, i'm out. i may be back later if i can't sleep and decide i have something else to say. if not, have a good one.


9:15 pm - 16 Jan 2005


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