usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


i'm fucking leaking

how is it possible to continue feeling worse? i've been on antibiotics for three days now, shouldn't i be feeling better? i'm one big walking muscle ache. i'm one big throbbing headache. i awoke this morning to a throat so sore i cannot swallow and stabbing pain in my ears. yes, both ears.

wtf? is this my punishment for being upset with my dad for not going to the doctor? for being such a bitch that he made me sick? i can deal with that if the answer is yes. but dear god i'm not sure i have ever been more miserable in my entire life. you know, when i went to the doctor on thursday, i wasn't really having any major issues with my sinuses or any issues with snot in general. i could still breathe out of my nose just fine and i wasn't having to blow my nose every thirty seconds. after being on this stupid decongestant for less than 24 hours, i am eight million times more congested than i was before.

good times.

i know i'm whining and bitching and that this is no fun to read but i am so fucking miserable. so i apologize. i just wish someone would put me out of my friggin misery here. i am having a dischare issue from every single fucking orifice in my body. including my fucking eyes! yes, you read that correctly, i have runny mucus (that which eventually turns into "sleep") coming out of my eyes. as i sit here. it's gross. it's like crying snot.

perhaps my doctor was wrong. maybe i don't have the flu/sinus infection from hell. i'm thinking that this may actually be the plague. shit is leaking out of my eyes for the love of mike!

you know it's not a good thing when the second ingredient listed on your bottle of juice is high fructose corn syrup. a bottle that has contains 10% juice printed on it is not fruit juice, it is high priced kool aid. damn tropical cyclone crap. damn grocery store that doesn't carry the wonderful 100% JUICE that is strawberry kiwi v8 splash. damn artifical flavors and red 40.

i don't know why i thought i would be able to eat baby carrots. one, it hurts like a mofo to chew them. see previous "my mouth fucking hurts" entries. two, my throat has damn near closed up. hence, no matter how small i am able to slowing chew my carrots, chewing them is all i'm ever going to be able to do because i can't fucking swallow.

random sayings seen on packets of sauce from taco bell...
my sauce is an honor student at taco middle school.
willing to relocate.
nice palm. i read a great deal of pleasure in your future.
where are you taking me?
it's okay... you can say it. i love you too.

they should give whoever thought of doing that a fucking raise. they crack me up. of course, i'm have brain dead at the moment so my sense of humor may be slightly skewed.

one tiny itty bitty baby carrot down. the rest are going back to the fridge. damn. i'm hungry and soup and broth make me vomit. i'm sure you needed to know that. but let's face it, if you're still reading all the way down here, you had to know that was coming eventually, right?

shoot me now. put me out of my misery. hell, put you out of your own. you know these entries are only going to get worse...

fucking toodles

6:05 am - 02 Jan 2005


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