usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


i had a really good day

happy christmas eve everyone!

i've had a great day despite having to be at work at six thirty this morning. people were lined up outside the door when i pulled into the parking lot and they stood there in the freezing cold until seven. sit in your cars people! there is nothing in target that you need bad enough to get frostbite.

anyway, so it was present day! i got the most amazing reactions to the gifts i gave. it was so wonderful. jermaine, my boss for those of you who may have forgotten, has a miniature pincher (i think i spelled that wrong, oops) so i bought him a min-pin calendar. he loved it. he was jumping up and down and squealing. (you have to know jermaine to understand that this isn't all that unusual. he's very, um, let's just say, hyper) apparently he had been looking for one for the past few weeks and couldn't find one so he was thrilled that i had gotten it for him.

my friend marinda loves shoes. she loves shoes more than me and that's saying something. so i gave her a page-a-day calendar that is big glossy photos of shoes. it tells like the history of shoes and stuff. it is very cool and i'm planning to get one for myself next week. she loved it and showed it to everyone. a few people wanted her to open it so they could look through it but she said that she didn't want to look at the pages in advance, she wanted every day to be a surprise. i thought that was pretty cool.

my secret santa person was this wonderful woman named ruth ellen that i absolutely adore. she is just so genuinely sweet and nice and caring and would give you the shirt off her back. she is my favorite front end supervisor to work with. anyway, she is very feminine. she's in her early forties but she is going back to school studying to be a social worker and working full time at target and she has three wonderful kids that she has raised so well. anyway, i wanted to get her a nice planner, something professional but also feminine to reflect her personality. so i found one at office max and then i went into picture it and made some extra pages to go in it. i looked up the meaning of her names and made a front page with her name, the meanings and her zodiac symbol on it and then i did some random pages with quotes by her favorite poets and a few of her favorite bible verses. she cried when she opened it. then she ran showing it to everyone. it made me feel so good that it made her that happy. she loved it even before she opened it and saw the extra things i'd done. once she saw those she was in tears.

i think honestly those are three of the best gifts i've ever given simply because it made me feel so good to give them. they were for three very special people in my life, which may sound strange to some people since they are "just people i work with." but they are so much more. all three of them have supported me so much in so many things. i really wanted them all to know how special they are too me and how much their friendships mean to me. from the number of hugs i got from them i think they understood.

for the rest of the people that i work with i made small gift bags. actually, they were sandwich bags. inside each bag was twenty chocolate chips and a card that i printed the following poem on...

You've been naughty,
So here's the scoop.
All you get for Christmas
Is Reindeer Poop!

everyone loved them. i got thank yous and hugs all day long for those. that made me feel good too. knowing that i made all of my fellow team leads and my bosses smile and laugh today.

i can't think of a christmas eve ever in my life that has felt more special to me.

yeah, i know that was sappy but i can't help it. (i'm getting old) and the little things mean so much to me recently. i just wish that i had a family of my own to share this feeling with. one day...

it is going to feel weird without grandma this christmas. i'm a little apprehensive about it. but i'm hoping that this wonderful feeling will help carry me though this evening and into tomorrow and it won't hurt too bad. i can always go over to her house later on if i'm feeling too bad. it always makes me feel better to be there, surrounded by her things, her life, just her. it is comforting to be there, like she's still around me.

well, we have a ton of people coming over in four hours and i have a ton to do so i need to skedaddle. (look fal, i used it in a sentence!) i have eggs to devil, ham biscuits to make, floors to vaccuum and a bathroom to clean.

i hope everyone has a wonderful christmas. (((hugs))) to you all.

merry toodles

2:57 pm - 24 Dec 2004


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