usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


you'll shoot your eye out kid!

okay, so mama and i are both now properly medicated. her with her prozac and me with my effexor, so let the holiday stress proceed.

i have now offically finished any and all christmas gift shopping. yay for me. i had already bought daddy the chronicles of riddick on dvd to give him from me and a pair of new sweatpants for junebug to give him as she ripped a hole in the ankle of one of his older pairs. but i wanted to get him something else as i bought mama two cookie jars, a big stuffed snowman (she loves snowmen) and paid for her to get her hair done.

but, my dad is the hardest person on the planet to shop for. why? because if he wants something, he just goes out and buys it. okay, well, that's not quite true because he hardly leaves the house anymore. when he wants something, he either tells my mom to get it or gives me the money and sends me to get it. *shrugs* either way, he's still hard to shop for.

he collects dragon figurines but he has about a zillion of them and we are running out of room to put them. he also collects santas but they are kind of big and we are running out of room for those too. besides, i've given him a santa for christmas every year for like the past ten years. and usually he gets one for his birthday too which is the first week of december.

this year for his birthday i didn't want to get him the typical santa but i didn't know what else to get until i stumbled across the dale earnhardt santa at (where else) target. woohoo! he loves (loved?) dale earnhardt. so that's what he got for his birthday.

but that left me stumped for christmas. basically i decided the get him a dvd because he watches a lot of movies while he sits home all day with the dogs. i swear to god, the man has seen all three harry potter movies a billion times a piece. and usually, he watches all three in a row. my dad the harry potter fan. anyway, so he said he wanted the aforementioned chronicles of riddick so i picked it up a few weeks back and i've been mulling over in my mind what else to get him. sadly no ideas came zooming into my brain.

so today when i went to (where else) target to get my prescription i decided to wander the dvd aisle and see if anything jumped out at me that i thought he'd like. and lo and behold, something did. well, not literally of course because i'd have probably peed my pants if something had jumped out at me. but i digress.

so somebody made this movie called "3" about dale earnhardt's life and it played on espn this month but i don't think daddy was ever able to catch it. anyway, i wasn't even thinking that it would be out on dvd but it was so i bought it and now my dad has two new dvds to watch while mama and i are at work. and he'll like it because it's about dale. yay me for accidentally finding a good christmas present.

so mama is at the grocery store getting the party food and i have cheesecakes to make and toilets to clean. (lovely combination don't you think?) and dogs to bathe and so on and so forth.

so, toodles

12:54 pm - 23 Dec 2004


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