usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


benadryl bedtime

so today is my dad's birthday. he's fifty-five. yay for life-saving-cancer-killing transpants!

so i've been on the crack for the past, oh, forty-eight hours straight. for those of you who don't know from previous entries, or personal experience, the crack would be the sims, or in this case, the sims 2. double the crack.

it is so cool. there are so many more options that the first one didn't have that make it so much more fun and annoying at the same time. plus, i love to build and decorate houses! and i can do it at home without spending any money just by clicking my mouse!

i'm so out of it. i took some benadryl in a vain attempt to go to sleep and instead i'm just really goofy and out of my head. well, more so than normal.

i got to talk to fallon on the phone tonight! yay for me. it's been like over three years since we last talked on the phone so it was nice to hear her voice again. we spent the majority of the conversation discussing our respective jobs at target. one day she's going to move to virginia and when she does she's going to put in for a company transfer so she can come work with me. one day. maybe.

so, brandon has apparently disappeared off of the face of the earth. he hasn't updated his blog since september, which in and of itself is not a big deal because even if he hadn't disappeared off of the face of the earth he probably wouldn't have updated his blog since he only updates when he feels he has something profound to say. unlike others, namely myself, who update constantly whether i have anything to say or not. brandon tells me that this is part of the reason people like to read my diary. i'm not sure if i believe that or not but oh well.

were was i? oh, brandon is missing. i've left him a few messages which he hasn't answered which again isn't that strange because he never calls me. well, he has once or twice, but he usually waits for me to call him. but usually, if i leave him a message then he will either email me a response or post one in my guestbook. so i've had no response whatsoever to my last couple of messages. and, he used to read my diary every single day, usually more than once. several times actually since i tend to update several times a day and as of right now he has not checked my diary since last tuesday afternoon. that is weird. he has read my diary religously since we first met in july and suddenly he's gone. maybe he's trying to give me a hint...

anyway, so, yeah, it's not really important in the grand scheme of things, it's just a little weird.

since i haven't been on in the past day or two because i've been busy running my sims's lives, i've missed a ton of my daily reads so i had close to twenty diaries to catch up on this evening. it's cool though because everyone i read i identify with in some way or another so i'm either laughing my ass off at something that they wrote or saying, oh yeah, i know what she means. and i say she because i only have like three male diarylanders on my buddy list. i think it's three. maybe four. but i have a ton of people on my buddy list and the majority of them are of the female persuasion so i used the "she" there.

so, i'm feeling a little groggy now. maybe the benadryl is finally kicking in. i finally started my christmas shopping last night. mama and daddy are done and i will finish up this weekend after i get paid. at least i hope to be finished. i want to be done no later than sunday evening so i can get everything wrapped and under the tree and have it over and done with. i'm very close to being out of christmas spirit. damn retail.

so, yeah, toodles

10:18 pm - 06 Dec 2004


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