usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


blasphemy means ignoring your dreams

right now as i type this very entry, every single piece of clothing that i own is currently clean. with the exception of what i'm wearing right now. i used seven washing machines all at once and had everything washed in less than an hour.

now, lest you think i have serious problems, i would not normally have used seven machines. but i had an unusually large amount of towels to wash plus two comforters. my clothes actually fit into three washers. and as the dryers are almost twice the size of the washers i actually cut that number in half during the drying time.

the laundry mat that i use is right next door to the fire department where i vote so i put everything into the dryers and turned them on and walked over to vote. i took my book since i figured i'd be standing in line for a while. my parents stopped by the laundry to let me know that they had only had to wait for about thirty minutes or so when they went. i don't ususally mind waiting in line, some people have serious issues with it, but i prefer to be occupied if i have to wait so i took my book and read and walked, looking up occasionally to make sure i wasn't getting ready to trip over anything or slam into the man in front of me.

i ran into several people that i knew. talked to a few. hide from a few. so i voted and headed back to the laundry mat to find my clothes still tumbling away in the dryers. it had only taken me about twenty minutes or so to get done.

so i got everything dried and folded and packed back up in the car and i dragged it all back into the house but i haven't finished putting it all away yet. i've been busy doing a multitude of other crap and so the clothes are still folded in the hampers. they'll just have to stay put until i get home from work tomorrow.

mama's car broke down again tonight. i think it has finally died for the final time and they are going to look into purchasing a new one tomorrow. the one she's looking at is used but it's a 2004 pontiac grand am. she has a grand prix now (well she did) and she loved it. the grand am is red and very gorgeous but it has four doors which she doens't like. she's over needing four doors since she no longer has kids to haul around and she prefers the sleeker look of a two door car. anyway, so she'll probably get the four door and just deal with it. it runs after all and the other doesn't.

so, yeah. i'm making decent headway into my nano. i posted last night that my word count wasn't enough but i got four pages done last night, all single spaced, so i'm actually running on track. i was anyway. i've only written two today and i am getting ready to go to bed so i know i won't get anymore done tonight but i'm not sweating a minor set back on day two. i'm not as far along as fal but i've written over three thousand words so far.

i really hadn't put much thought into the story in the past few weeks because i didn't want to stress myself out which i have a tendancy to do. but yesterday it just started kind of writing itself. i can't say yet whether or not i'm one hundred percent pleased with it but it's coming along alright and i'm not blocked so i'm happy. i may very well end up at the end of the month with fifty thousand words worth of crap. but we shall see.

i will probably post an except next week or so. i don't want to do it on a daily basis, maybe once a week or something. we'll see how the mood strikes me.

so i talked to brandon on the phone last night for close to two hours or so. the first of which i spent on my cell phone and completely depleted my minutes. so i have to purchase some more minutes tomorrow. i had planned to just call and say hello and talk for ten minutes or so but as usually happens, we ended up talking much longer than that. about nothing in particular as always. i laughed a lot as usual so i'm not at all bothered by the fact that i used my minutes up. the laughter alone makes it quite worth it.

sometimes i feel a bit weird talking about him in my entries because he reads them. but not so weird that i'm not going to say what i want. so, yeah, we still talk, off and on. i like him a lot. a very lot. but i'm scared to meet him for a variety of reasons. i was totally ready to meet him back in july had he agreed. but in the past few months as we've gotten to know each other even more and stuff i'm more nervous about it. i don't think we'd hate each other on sight and decide to never speak again, but it is possible and i enjoy our friendship, strange as it is, entirely too much to want to risk that.

so, we'll take it as it comes and we'll see where we end up. i will however continue to stalk him. after all, he has always wanted his very own stalker. i'm just not very good at it yet as i've never actually stalked anyone before. does anyone have any tips on stalking?

so, i'm going to bed. back to work in the morning. i think i'm going to watch izzard's dressed to kill before (or while) i fall asleep. i've been getting a lot of hits from search engines for izzard quotes so i'm craving some eddie goodness. and there is that jew's harp thing i need to deal with...


10:41 pm - 02 Nov 2004


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