usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


tgif, but i have to work all weekend

so yeah, another long day in retail world. not a lot to say. i'm tired and it is way past my bedtime at this point. especially since i only have about an hour and a half of sleep last night. and no, i didn't go buy any nachos.

my mom's car broke down today so when i got off of work daddy and i drove out to see if he could get it started and drive it back home. then i went in to mama's store and wandered around with her for a little while and looked at all the nifty purses that i want and can't afford and don't need any damn way. when did i become such a shoe and handbag person? even worse, when did i become such a friggin girl?

so, anyway, tomorrow is going to be so so so busy at work. it's pay weekend, it's halloween weekend, it's homecoming weekend. and all of our halloween crap is on clearance and our christmas stuff is setting so people are going to be buying as much candy as they can stuff in their carts and trying to buy all of the damn icicle lights before everyone else gets to them first.

junebug did something to hurt her foot tonight but i can't figure out where it hurts. she's limping but when i feel her leg, i start at the shoulder and work all the way down to her toes, she doesn't cry or whimper of flinch or anything. we looked for a splinter or something in her toes and the pads of her foot and didn't see anything. the only thing i can figure is maybe she twisted it or sprained it a bit when she jumped off of the bed earlier. i dunno, i guess i'll check it again in the morning to see if she's still limping and see if there is any swelling or anything. if there is i can get daddy to take her to the vet in the morning while i'm at work.

so i got my paycheck today and i opened it and i kind of just stood there for a minute with my mouth hanging open. it was close to two hundred dollars short. twenty-four hours short to be exact. my vacation pay didn't get entered. but jermaine and marinda took care of it and they ended up vouchering it to me out of a register because i really coudn't afford to wait until the next pay period to get it.

i'm almost done with blue moon. yay. i can't find my copy of obsidian butterfly and the library doesn't have it available until next week so i will probably just end up buying another copy of it. i believe it is one of the books that ended up at jennie's apartment and i'm so not calling her up and asking her if i can have the books that her husband borrowed back. just not doing it.

so, yeah, not much of an update, but, i'm off to bed. oh yeah, sam left me a note today telling me that he thought i was cute and sexy. the comment made me smile while at the same time question his mental health. night.


12:28 am - 30 Oct 2004


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