usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


tuesday night - wednesday morning

so, i just got in from work about twenty minutes ago. i spent a bit of time catching up on all the updates my faves did while i was at work. and now i'm here to basically say goodnight.

the night went by pretty quickly. i got some good things done. i still have a ton of stuff on my "to-do" list for tomorrow. and i have to do my grocery order tomorrow but the computer i use to do my order is down and we have no idea when it will be back up, so i have to find an alternate way to place the order. that should be fun.

it took three hours for the collar of my shirt to finally dry today. i really hate that. but, it's my fault for not getting the stuff in the dryer soon enough, so oh well.

only five more work days until my vacation starts. yay for me. but i found out sunday that i am going to have to use most of my vacation time moving my stuff that has been stored down in dinwiddie up here. that is not going to be much fun. but then i hadn't really planned to do anything else and i don't want to lose my stuff which i will if i don't get it moved.

my main concerns are my books and my cookie jar collection. i have some furniture and stuff that i will probably leave down there. jeff's sister may want some of it. i have a couple of end tables and a coffee table and a dresser from when judah and i were married that i hate. his stepmother paid for it all and i've always despised it so either tara can have it or it can be donated to goodwill or trashed.

i have a few pieces of furniture that were my grandmother's that i want but they can go in my parent's attic. and my entertainment center that my dad built for me about eighteen years ago is coming here and going in my room.

it'll probably take a few days to get done but once it's done it'll be a load of my shoulders and i won't have to worry about it anymore. so that will be nice. it's always good when you can complete a task that causes you stress. and this particular issue has been causing me stress for the past two years. that's what i get for waiting around for jeff to help me which he kept promising to do but always backing out of. bastard.

so, anyway, i'm just about done with bloody bones, the fifth (i think) anita blake. then i'll start on the killing dance and i'll be about halfway though. two girls that i work with, i say girls, they're my age so i guess they're women, saw what i was reading yesterday and they love those books as well so we got to talking about them.

they both just finished incubus dreams and were threatening to tell me about it so i put my hands over my ears and squinched my eyes up (because i can read lips) and started humming. when i opened my eyes a few seconds later jermaine was standing next to them staring at me like i had three heads.

the three of us started laughing our asses off as we tried to explain what i was doing. he just shook his head and walked away mumbling something about my mental health.

so, i guess that's it for tonight. i'm off to bed with anita and jean claude and jason and larry.


12:02 am - 13 Oct 2004


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