usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


i want my mt dew!

i have decided that i am going to participate in National Novel Writing Month.

the deal is you start on november 1 and finish on november 30 and you write a 50,000 word novel.

it's a way for me to force myself to finally do what i've been saying i want to do. but i always have several excuses handy when someone asks me why i don't do it already. so no more excuses.

NaNoWriMo is all about quantity over quality. you write as much as you can in thirty days without worrying about all of the editing and revising and rewriting that people like me tend to get bogged down in. damn near every time i start writing something i end up revising the first couple of chapters a hundred and seventy five thousand times and i never get past the first couple of chapers.

it's going to be a struggle for me not to go back and revise and rewrite, but that in itself will be a learning experience.

so i'm actually excited about this. very much so. i think that my wonderful, beautiful, talented bestest friend fallon should also think about participating. but that's just my opinion. :P

i have a killer headache all the way down the back of my head, my neck and into my shoulders. caffeine withdrawl. good times. at this very moment i am fighting the urge to throw on some clothes and drive to the gas station down the street and purchase a dew. i won't do it. but it's a struggle.

i just drank a one liter bottle of water instead and had some fruit and hedge clippings breakfast bar. i also took a couple of excederin migraine and i'm back to bed in a bit. just for a couple of more hours. i have some things i want to get done for mama today while she is at work so i can't spend the day in the bed. i'd feel like crap if i did that anyway. for me, that's one of the best ways to feel worse. sometimes. sometimes not.

anyway, so, kathy, i would pack my crap and head to london with you in an instant if i could sweetie. thanks for all of your sweet notes to me, they really mean a lot. i just finished reading your update for today and i hope things are going better for you now. i hope you were able to relax and calm down a bit. (((hugs))) love you sweetie.

so yeah, i'm going back to bed. my eyes are hurting now and squinting at this screen are not helping. not to mention that it is getting lighter outside which is totally my cue to get as far under the covers as possible until nine am. damn *grumbles* that's only an hour away.

all the more reason to say toodles quickly then i guess. my big soft warm comforter is calling my name and my pillow is going to be all soft and cool because i turned it towards the air conditioning vent when i got up to let junebug out.

so, toodles

7:43 am - 23 Sep 2004


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