usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


much as i suspected...

this is basically a non-entry. i am tired now and i don't want to do my idiots that i work with venting at the moment. but, i know that i will probably encounter server overload later this evening if i wait.

so, with that in mind, i'm making this non-entry now, so that later, if i can't make a real entry, i can come back and edit this one. i'm a sneaky one.

so yeah, a word that describes you *pointing at readers*, not me. but, thanks for the complements fal. :)

i skipped my lunch today, so i'm hungry, so i think i'm going to go heat up some left over spaghetti from last nights dinner and then i'm going to veg out in front of tlc for a bit. i'll be back later.


so, much as i suspected, the flippin servers are overloaded and i, having a shitty credit rating and no bank account thus no credit card with which to make online purchases, a non-gold member am shit out of luck when it comes to making a new entry.

aha. but i beat the system this time andrew. oh yes sir. you can't keep me down buddy.

so yeah, i slept the evening away, which i seem to be doing on an almost daily basis now. i woke up hungry around nine thirty since i never did eat any of the leftover spaghetti. mama didn't cook, she and daddy ate the last of the previously mentioned leftovers and i didn't feel like fixing anything which was good because there are exactly zero fucking groceries in this house.

so i borrowed the car, jetted to taco bell, chain smoked the entire way, bought a chicken quesadilla and a mt dew, and chain smoked the whole way home.

i was sitting here at my desk eating my dinner with the door closed and barracaded with my dresser to keep the dogs from bashing it open with their heads so that they could come and attempt to beg and/or steal my dinner and surfed some random diaries.

i love to surf random diaries. of course, you come across ones that haven't been updated in months and months and then you come across the ones that suck.

but every once in a while you come across one so fucking funny that, while laughing, you inhale a piece of chicken bathed in spicy hot sauce and between the attempting to cough the offending piece of chicken out of your airway and wiping at the tears pouring out of your eyes because the hot sauce is burning your lungs, envisioning your funeral service and hoping that they dress you in that sweet black dress you wore in that wedding the other year, you continue to scroll down the page because you want to finish the entry quickly in case you lose consciouness.

now that's a good diary.

so, while i strongly suggest that you go read this diary, i also strongly suggest that you don't read it while eating a chicken quesadilla.

i was planning to do some people are so fucking stupid ranting tonight but i'm not in the mood now. i have three loads of clean laundry piled on my bed and right now the only think i want to do is push them into the floor and crawl back under the covers.

of course, i should fold them. and put them away. so that tomorrow when i get up and get ready for work i can actually find something to wear instead of having to dig through a three foot tall pile of tangled clothes. and then i wouldn't be all wrinkled when i went to work either.

maybe i'll just fold the red and khaki. i can shove the socks and underwear into the drawe the way they are and pile the towels in the basket to be folded at a later date. or, more likely, used out of the basket and deposited back into the dirty clothes hamper, never to see their home in the linen closet again. it's a vicious cycle.

so junebug shit on my library book earlier. i would have been really really pissed off if it hadn't been so damn funny. she started running around in circles and i tried to catch her and pick her up to take her out but she squatted right over the cover of this book. and she knew she was going to shit on the book, that's what kills me.

so then not only did i have to pick up the shit and flush it, i had to dig out the clorox wipes and disinfect the book. i have to admit though, i agree with her opinion of the book. *shrugs*

night all.

toodles till tomorrow.

5:17 pm & 11:29 pm - 14 Sep 2004


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