usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


moving again?

jeff and i said when we moved in here that we were going to have to keep this job for the rest of our lives cause we never wanted to have to move all this shit again.

so today we talked about moving.

to make a rilly long story short, a t & t came to hook our phone up today but there was a problem because the previous manager hadn't had his phone disconnected when he left so i called him (he works at another storage company in richmond) and he said he'd call the phone company and get things straight.

so he did and he called me back to let me know and he started asking me how we liked it here and so on. he talked forever, he would not shut up. i ended up talking to him for like 20 minutes.

anyway, so later this afternoon he called jeff back and their convo went something like this...

him: so, does u-haul still pay $5.15 an hour?

jeff: unfortunately, yeah

him: and christmas day is still the only day they are ever closed right?

jeff: yup

him: and you guys are working 7 days a week cause there is no back-up managers to come in right?

jeff: yup again

him: so did u-haul send someone over to clear the snow off your lot?

jeff: nope, and now it's all ice cause of the melt from today.

him: our lots been clear since last night. not a spot of snow or ice to be seen.

apparently he called some people he still is on good terms with at u-haul and asked about us. everyone loves us so i guess they told him we did a good job or whatever.

so, he called to tell us that storage usa is looking for a couple to run their west end location.

good points:

1) we'd go from making $20,000 a year combined to making $35,000 a year

2) storage usa is closed on 8 holidays

3) you have 2 part timers assigned to your store that come in and work and you get to hire them yourself

4) you get 2 days off a week, guaranteed

5) you can have sturday and sunday off


bad points:

1) we have to move again

anyway, so we talked it over and as much as i hate the prospect of repacking all this shit and moving again it sounds like a decent opportunity.

basically, u-haul is a shitty company to work for. they will screw you nine ways from sunday the first chance they get.

and while we are making it on the pay we get here, we're barely making it. even with our bonuses, we're squeaking by. it's not as bad as it oculd be, and it's certainly not as bad as our parents and everyone thought it was going to be simply because jeff and i are pretty frugal with our money for the most part. the only exception being cigarettes of course.

and it's so easy to lose your bonus too. all it takes is one day of having a back-up manager in your store who forgets to take the deposit to the bank and *poof* no bonus for that month. we lost our bonus for october, which would have been over $200 apiece because our friggin boss didn't take the deposit the one day she worked here.

christmas day is the only day u-haul is ever closed. we work thinksgiving, christmas eve, new year's, easter etc etc. and we are working basically 7 days a week and have been since october. we're supposed to be off every sunday but there's no one to come work for us so we've been doing it.

when we interviewed we were told about all these great incentives and stuff that the company gives it's couples. every storage couple is supposed to get a free turkey at thanksgiving. we didn't. you're supposed to get a christmas bonus. we didn't. and so on and so forth.

we rilly like the people we work with. well, some of the people and we've made some good friends here. so there is a bit of feeling disloyal or whatever. but it's a small feeling right now. i keep picturing the look on jeff's face this morning when the repo man came and got his car and i'm thinking fuck u-haul, with $3 more dollars an hour we could have kept it. of course we were planning to get rid of it anyway since we only rilly need one car. but we were going to sell it, pay off the loan and keep what little was left over. anyway, it's no biggie.

so we figure it won't hurt to fill out a couple of applications, take a tour of the place and look around. jeff is going over tomorrow to pick up the applications and if we are off on sunday like we're supposed to be, but that's a big if, then we're going to look around the bernardo's place cause it's set up pretty much the same as the facility that's open.

so anyway, we don't know what we're going to do for now. it's just a possibilty. we still have some things to sort out and talk over. we'll see. on another note...


You're just a girl; you tend to get frustrated easily, you daydream quite a bit, and you try to avoid making trouble, though curiosity always gets the better of you. Even under tight circumstances, however, you put aside (some of) your fear and figure out what's the best thing to do. You want a better understanding of your world.

11:43 pm - 04 Jan 2002


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