usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


trying to block out the snores. . .

well, here it is quarter after two and i can't sleep. actually, i was rilly tired a while ago but now i'm not. jeff's snoring doesn't normally bother me, but if i'm lying there and i can't sleep it drives me crazy so i have to get up.

anyway, here's a little update about me. i called the county mental health services today and made an appointment for tuesday morning to go fill out some paper work and meet my counseler. i talked to her on the phone for a little bit today and she seemed rilly nice.

i'm kinda nervous about it though. but i just rilly feel the need to talk some things through with a professional ya know? i don't know, maybe jeff and i are making it all out to be more than it is but i don't think so.

i told the lady that i talked to that i always get depressed in the winter just that this year it happened earlier and way worse and she asked if anything was different in my life now than it was last year. how about everything? lol

i had a good day today though. i didn't freak out about anything and i even made it through the whole day without crying. well, i did cry on the phone with the counseler but that doesn't count. lol

i have to go to ashland for my appointment, which is about 20 or 30 minutes from here so after jeff closed tonight he drove me over there so i'd know where i was going in the morning.

when we got home we cooked dinner together and watched raw then we played tony hawk pro skater 3 for a while. i'm still learning this stuff so basically jeff kicked my ass but we had a good time.

jeff's brother is planning to start an online company selling role playing games and stuff so he called jeff while i was at the grocery store and jeff basically volunteered me to build the site for luke. when i got home and he told me i was like, how much is he paying me? lol jeff said nothing, but i did tell him you'd need a scanner. lol jennie took jeff's scanner when they moved in august so we are scan-less for the time being.

i told jeff that i'd help him out any way i could but that luke had to understand that i'm still learning html so not to expect great things from me at first. of course, he's probably 6 months to a year away from starting up so that gives me plenty of time to work on it. i think he told jeff that he'd start to pay me after he started making some money if i'd just be patient with him. it doesn't rilly matter to me one way or another. i'll do it for free... for now. lol

anyway, so now i'm running out of things to say so instead of rambling i think i'll say good night. i'll make another entry sometime in the afternoon to let you know how everything went. night guys. =)

2:15 am - 04 Dec 2001


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