usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


playing with the kids

wtf is a diva star? i feel old. sierra has been talking about diva starz (with a "Z" cindy, not a S) since she got here last night. she wants them for christmas. dear god help me, christmas is only a month away. *groans*

so i went and looked diva starz up on the web and they are these dolls with big friggin heads. personally i think they are kinda scary looking. but hey, to each his own i guess.

drake is talking more and more every weekend we get him. now he points to all the features on his face and says, "nose, mouth, eye, ear." he is such a cutie. hopefully once we can get him into pre-school he'll start to catch up a little bit faster. he's getting rilly good with his sign language though.

he knows the sign for more. so whenever his cup is empty he does his little sign and says, "more, more." it is so cute. at least he is finally off the bottle, for the most part, and drinking out of a cup now.

he does the sign for play too. if you tell him to go play, he runs around in circles twisting his hands in the sign.

luckily sierra knows all the signs he uses cause i don't. jeff knows some of them but if he starts using a new sign we don't know what the hell he wants until sierra tells us. i need to remember to look sign language up on the web so i can learn a bit myself. his therapist is doing a combination of speech therapy and signing so he can communicate with the signs if he can't say the word.

we were thinking that since he so far behind developmentally that maybe his terrible two's wouldn't kick in right away. we were wrong. lol they are here in full force. and now he's started biting. he bit sierra on the stomach last night. she still has his teeth print on her. not that i think it's alright for him to bite her, but i do think it's about time he was able to get even with her for all the times she's mean to him. at least he can defend himself now if she feels the urge to kick him in the face.

actually, she hasn't been so bad with him since he started getting better at talking and playing. now that they can play together she is pretty good with him. of course, she's four and he's two so there is a lot of "MINE!" and "STOP!" and "Drake hit me!" and so on and so forth going on. but it's all a sign that he is getting better and learning and developing more. he is just acting like a normal little kid.

he has discovered my wrestling figures. he likes to twist jericho's head and make him say, "You'll never mess with Jericho AGAYNE." he does it over and over and over and over. he sat in the wrestling ring earlier and threw matt and jeff at sierra from across the room. and not just 1 matt and 1 jeff. he threw 2 matt's and like 3 jeff's before he finally gave up trying to hit her. they all fell like 3 feet short of his target. lol

now they are coloring. well, they were coloring, now they are cleaning up. i was hoping that coloring would be an activity that would last a while but unfortunately it only kept them busy for 10 minutes. now it's "Sticker Time."

i collected stickers for like 15 years when i was a kid. i was anal about my stickers too. i never stuck them anywhere. i just liked to collect them and every once in a while i pulled them out and looked at them. stickers weren't for sticking. in elementary school my teacher's gave me my well done stickers still attached to the backing so that i could take them home instead of sticking them to my papers. lol anyway, so i still have all of these stickers and sierra found them.

i cringed with the thought of her sticking all of my stickers on coloring books and pieces of paper and stuff. so i told myself i just needed to get over it. i'm not using the damn things. they are stickers, they are meant for sticking. so let her stick them. but, she just wants to look through them too. lol every once in a while i hear, "Oh my gosh, dinosaurs. Wow." and then, "OOOOh, easter eggs and birdies."

okay, had a minor time out for a diaper change and to get everyone dressed. so i'm back. but i think i've run out of things to say for now. besides, it's almost noon so i guess i need to find some lunch for the kiddies and then it's nap time for drake. see you guys. ~ me

10:55 am - 11 Nov 2001


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