usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


missing smackdown

i just realized at i sit here that i am missing smackdown. oh well. *shrugs* i'm just not in the mood to watch it tonight.

well, luke and sarah got the job with our company. they are in the process of moving tonight. so now they'll be living like 10 or 15 minutes away from us. and we get to train them. =)

i talked to kelly a little while ago. she had to call me and tell me what time the rehersal dinner is tomorrow night. nothing like waiting till the last minute. but then, that's how she's done pretty much everything recently.

the sad thing is that she and tim have been dating for 8 years, they've been engaged since 1998. she's been planning this wedding for friggin ever and everything got done last minute.

our dresses didn't come in until 2 weeks ago and we all needed alterations done. my dress got finished today. the wedding is saturday. tomorrow i have to head to chester to try it on and make sure everything is the way it's supposed to be. if not, i'm screwed casue there isn't time to do anything else. sherry got her dress back today from tiffany's and they fucked her shoulders up in her dress so she took it somewhere else and they told her to pick it up on saturday at like 2 in the afternoon. the wedding is at 6.

it took a week to dye the shoes. kelly just took them to the store to have them sent off last friday so we all have our fingers crossed that they come in tomorrow.

i will be so glad when this damn wedding is over with. it's the first time i've ever been a bridesmaid and i am seriously considering making it my last. lol it has not been a great experience.

anyway, enough of that. i'm freezing my ass off up here. our a/c is so messed up. it'll be burning up down in the office and freezing up here and vice versa. when jeff's working he heats to death so he turns the thermostat way down and i freeze up here. it'll belike 80 some degrees out and i'm up here in sweatpants, wool socks, and a sweatshirt.

it's always the worst on sunday. that's our day off together. we each get a day off during the week, my day is tuesday and jeff's is wednesday, but sunday we are off together because we get the kids on saturday night. anyway, so a relief manager comes in on sunday and works. two weeks ago we had the kids and we were up here just hanging out. sierra was helping me unpack some boxes and drake was watching tv, screaming "CAR" everytime he saw one on a commercial or something. (that was his newest word at the time so every time he saw one he yelled it at the top of his little lungs. it's hell trying to watch nascar with him. lol) so it was a pleasant 70 degrees out, a nice breeze was blowing but it wasn't cold in the slightest. all of a sudden i feel this hot fucking air blowing on me. the damn relief manager had the heat on. it got so hot up here i thought we were all going to roast.

we don't like to open the windows because we don't have any screens and there are a lot of yellow jackets around here and they just love to fly into the apartment for some reason. plus the windows are kind of low to the floor and i am scared to death one of the kids is going to fall out of one and end up in the parking lot. *shudders*

but anyway, so we had to go around and open some of the windows and then stack boxes and stuff in front of them to keep the kids away from them. well, to keep sierra and drake away from them. i just told allen to stay away and he was like okay. he's such a good boy. but sierra, as soon as you tell her to do something she immediately does the exact opposite. and drake just ignores you unless you are talking about food or drink. lol

anyway, so i feel like sel here. my fingers are so cold i am having serious problems trying to type.

well, i guess i should get off of here. i was told that i needed to have my nails done for saturday but that's too damn expensive and i don't like acrylic nails, i used to, i used to have them on for months and months and months. but anyway, that was a long time ago, back in the days when i made more than minimum wage, and besides i can give myself a manicure thank you very much. ye gods, kelly is one snobby bitch. anyway, so i'm off to do my nails. i can't paint them yet though. i can only put the clear on. kelly has to "okay" the color i choose. *rolls eyes*

dear god, help me get through the next 2 days without killing one of my oldest friends. or her mother. or her sister.

okay, my and my frostbitten fingers are out of here. *hugs* ~ cindy

8:31 pm - 25 Oct 2001


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