usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


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hello hello one and all.

first of all i have to say, OMG FAL! i just read sel's entry for today and i was like, wtf is she talking about? so i hauled ass to your journal. i know i haven't talked to you in ages but i think about you all the time and goddammit! you better be okay!

so i got a cheap pop today in porn star sel's diary.

woohoo! thanks sel. =) you rock. just so ya know, i love reading your diary. i check it almost everyday.

and thanks for kicking steve in the arse and getting him to update his page!

anyway, so on with my entry.

um, don't rilly have a lot to say. let me see, worked all day, had to work late cause jeff had to go to the main office to pick up some paperwork. didn't go to ww cause i wan't feeling rill hot. suzanne didn't go either, i called to tell her i wasn't going and she was like, i was just getting ready to call you and tell you i'm not going tonight cause i don't feel good. EVIL TWIN. =)

jeff's brother and sister-in-law, luke and sarah, got fired today and we're trying to hook them up with a job with our company. they were the resident managers of a storage place in williamsburg. when they were hired they had to sign this paper that said they agreed not to work any outside jobs while employed with that company. but, sarah is a manager at a taco bell and she was making more at t.b. than at the storage place so she kept that job plus she goes to college full time. so basically luke was running the place by himself and a lot of things weren't getting done because he was there alone all the time. so anyway, they got caught and the boss came in this morning and fired them. they have until friday to get out.

so that left them with no place to live cause like us, they live on the storage site. it rilly rilly sucks.

anyway, so when jeff and i were hired last month they had 3 centers available. they still haven't filled the positions at the boulevard location so when jeff went over to the office he talked to amy, the market company president, and asked if the bouldvard was still open and if so he had someone who was interested. so luke and sarah have an interview with her tomorrow. basically like with me and jeff, they already have the job, the interview is rilly just a formality cause they have paperwork to fill out.

i'm looking forward to them getting the job. i love luke, he's such a great guy and sarah is a sweetheart so it'll be nice to have them closer to us. plus jeff and luke love to hang out and play video games and stuff so it'll be nice for them to be closer to each other so they can hang out more.

and another good reason for luke to move closer to home is that diana, their mom, is not doing too well. she has been in pretty bad shape for a while but in the past week she has been talking to all the kids, wanting to see all her grandkids, telling everyone that she loves them and so on and so forth. she says she just has a feeling that she should get things in order. kind of scary.

the thing is, i love her like my own mother. she means a lot to me and i don't want anything to happen to her. i need her around for a while longer you know? she has her moments when she drives me crazy, a lot like my own mother. lol but i rilly do love her. i've only had her for a year and i'm just not ready to let her go yet.

and i know jeff and the rest of the family isn't. i don't know what roger, jeff's dad will do if anything happens to her. he feels guilty enough as it is being gone so much and not being able to be at home taking care of her. he's a truck driver so he's gone for 2 weeks at a time and them he gets to come home for 2 days then he's gone again.

well, i certainly didn't mean to ramble on about all of that. but if you guys could, say a quick prayer for diana for me. i'd rilly appeciate it.

love you guys ~ me

8:40 pm - 23 Oct 2001


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