usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


sleepless in mechanicsville

yes, another entry.

i know, i know, i just did an entry an hour ago. i tried to go back to sleep. i laid there for like 20 minutes listening to jeff snore on the couch but it was no use. i can't stand to lay in the bed when i can't sleep.

so i got up and i've done 2 loads of laundry, a load of dishes that i didn't do after dinner tonight, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned off the coffee table which seems to be our main depository for random junk that goes nowhere else, and gotten everything off the kitchen table except for some dishes that need to be repacked and stored.

i would go ahead and repack them but like i mentioned, jeff is sleeping on the couch and i can't do much more in there without waking him up. right now i am waiting for the clothes in the dryer to finish so i can get them folded and put away then i think i'll work on the bedrooms a bit.

the computer clock says 5:20 right now but it's rilly only 5:00 so i still have a good hour before i have to start getting ready to go to work. maybe when i get off at 2 i'll be able to take a little nap before deedee comes over. i had planned to clean when i got off today but seeing as how i just got almost everything i wanted to do done already i will have some spare time. lol

i am actually thinking about making some muffins. i'd rilly like a strawberry muffin for breakfast.

the sad thing is i've been running through the apartment on turbo insomnia speed cleaning and jeff probably won't even notice when he wakes up. lol

i have a serious mess to deal with downstairs so i may end up going downstairs a little early this morning. i took a peek out the window a while ago and almost fell out when i saw all the trucks in the parking lot. there are like 5 trucks out there to be checked in first thing. and our brilliant customers, instead of parking them in the parking spaces, they parked them straight in the driveway. from the office door all the way to the road so none of my storage customers can get in until i get them checked in and moved.

hello people. they invented parking spaces for a reason. to park in you dumb fucks!

sorry. i am a bit bitter towards our less intelligent customers. of which we seem to have way too many. i have storage customers that come in right at 7 and now none of them can get in. oh well, it's not like i run the risk of being late today right?

i know i am just rambling on here and i'm sorry. but i am so hyped up right now. i guess i should go get some more stuff done. on the off chance that jeff does notice what i've done he may have a friggin stroke! lol

oh, i think the dryer quit. i'm out of here, again. i promise, this is the last entry this morning. hope you all slept well. see ya ~ me

5:15 am - 22 Oct 2001


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