usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


after 80 some days...

i know what you're thinking... OMG! Cindy did a new entry! lol amazing isn't it? :)

well first of all let me start by saying that i have missed all of my buddies in the past couple of months. it's been a hectic couple of months for sure but you guys have never been far from my mind. i think about all you guys all the time. plus deedee tends to keep me updated on any major happenings with everyone.

i have so much to tell you all that there is no way in hell i can even begin to get into it all tonight so i'll just get to what i can. we are getting our cable modem installed on wednesday so after that i do intend to be online more. of course i will have to fight with jeff for the computer. lol oh well, i'll just have to be on while he's a work.

anyway, so i just got back from the beach. my friend (i am using that term very loosely right now) is getting married in 2 weeks and i'm in the wedding. so a lady that she works with owns a beach house in the outer banks in north carolina. it is so nice, it's only like 1 street from the beach and it is huge. it sleeps like 16 people. it was great. anyway, so judy invited kelly and her mom and all of her bridesmaids down to the beach for the weekend -- all expenses paid. so like 4 ladies that kelly works with went and then her mom, her sister (who is her maid of honor), melinda (her younger brother's fiance), and me. i thought by the time i got home today i was going to be completely insane.

i can not explain to you how much kelly and her mom and sister got on my nerves. lord help me she is one of my oldest and supposedly best friends but i am seriously considering ending our relationship as soon as this damn wedding is over.

anyway, i'm not going to go into too many details and bitch too much about the weekend. it had the potential to be a wonderful relaxing weekend. instead i had a friggin migraine for all of saturday and i was so friggin mad at kelly sunday that it was just too hard to enjoy myself. okay, enough of that subject, i'll bitch about kelly another day.

so jeff and i got a new job and new apartment as i think deedee has told you all. we like it a lot. sometimes the work is rilly hard and we both come home exhausted every night but then there are days when it's pretty slow. it's great to live right above the office too. that way i never have to worry about being late for work. :)

oh, deedee, i bought NIC at amazon too by the way. thanks for the discount. :)

okay guys, i know this isn't much but it's the best i can do for now. i'm tired and i have laundry and stuff to get done that of course didn't get done while i was gone. *sigh* men. 'nuff said.

love you all and i missed you! talk to you all soon! ~ cindy

9:32 pm - 14 Oct 2001


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