usmcsis's Diaryland Diary


will's home and jennie's a bitch

okay so i'm a total and complete slacker. what can i say? i suck. anyway, i'm just kind of down on myself for not keeping up with my diary like i should. but then, if you go back a few entries you'll see, i admit, i never ever finish anything i start. anyway *rolls eyes at self*

i am listening right now to the new official diaryland theme song. lol if you haven't heard it you should listen to it. it's so bad that it rocks.

my brother is home! woohoo! well, not home actually but for the first time since the day after thanksgiving 2000 he is back in the united states. lol he called this afternoon to say that the ship had docked in north carolina and he was home. mama and daddy will be going to get him on friday and he'll be home for a whole 20 days. yippee! where the hell is he going to sleep? i just realized, my mom has been saying since christmas that she was going to clean out the back room and get it ready for him and then i said that i'd help her with it while i was unemployed and of course, neither one of us has touched it. *shrugs* oh well, he's slept on a metal bed the size of a very small bathroom counter top for the past 6 months, i'm sure he'll be just fine on the couch. lol

well, today was the first day of my second week at work. i like my job alot but my IR is a total nut case. she is so scatter brained, it drives me crazy. she swears up and down she told me how to do this or that or something else 3 weeks ago and i'm like, umm, i just started here last week and she's like, oh yeah, you're right. duh. anyway, it's a nice job, i like it. not having internet access bites ass big time.

i had to be fingerprinted today. now that was fun let me tell you. i didn't have to take a peepee test for this job, but i had to be friggin fingerprinted. this is like the first job i've ever had where i didn't have to pee in a cup but anyway. so apparently because investment firms are regulated by the government and such, all employees have to be fingerprinted and have their prints and a full face photo kept on file with the FBI. *rolls eyes* big pain in the keester but hey, i saw 2 rilly (that's for juggy) good looking cops while i was being fingerprinted. of course, they probably think i am some kind of criminal or something but oh well.

damn, i didn't mean for this entry to be this long. guess i just had a lot to say.

so deedee came over to jeff's last night to watch judgement day with us. it was cool. she finally got to meet sierra and drake after hearing about them since october of last year. lol and of course, lucky deedee, she got to meet the infamous jennie, winner of tara's bitch of the year award. (tara is jeff's sister, jennie's sister in law - just felt the need to clarify that) personally, i think she totally deserves the bitch lifetime aceivement award. not many people are able to be such accomplished bitches in only 23 years of life. ususally, they have to hit 30 to be as bitchy as jennie is. but anyway...

well, i should go, this is a pointless rambling entry. now that i think about it, all of my entries are pointless and rambling. anyway, buh-bye peeps. love ya all and i'll talk to ya soon. *smootches*

5:40 pm - 21 May 2001


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